I'm self taught, meaning I learned on my own.
I personally skipped all the basics (I don't recommend this lol) and just started drawing from what I thought looked nice, later I found out how important fundamentals are.
An example of my drawing here from when I started:

This is from my comic FOUR QUARTERS which is still ongoing. I never went back to redo the old chapters so this comic is literally like a document of my art progress. It's cringe to me and every time I look back at it I die a little inside BUT I've been told that it has motivated, and inspired many to pursue or continue drawing. I'm also too lazy to go and redraw everything (for now anyways) and if I do, I plan to keep it the same at least on Webtoons.
Back to topic, yeah I skipped the fundamentals and just looked at art I liked and tried to learn how body proportions are just from that. Gradually over the years I'd improve but then started to do more studies - both about human anatomy or just art in general, such as colors, compositions etc. For example, I'd spend some time figuring out how hands look in different poses and perspectives. I'd look at how the abdominal muscles are and how lighting would affect where the shadows would be. When I wanted to improve on something, I'd work on it little by little.
If there's something I'd like to try, I experiment and incorporate it into my own art, in my own way. Sometimes after trying it out I decide that it's not for me, but I probably learned a thing or two from it.
There are TONS of tutorials, others' studies available on the internet and a quick search can provide you with many results. Looking at these can help you to figure out your own way of studying. Personally, I find it hard to sit down and do solo studies or the "filling this page with shoulder/neck studies" so what I like to do is in each drawing, I work on something specifically and try to improve on it. That way I can enjoy the entire process. Art is figurative and free, so how each person approaches it is different too. How one person draws and learns might not apply to you, so you find out what you like and works for you.
Even till now I'm constantly trying to improve. As you gain experience you learn different ways of taking in information, fine tuning what skill set you've developed.
Another thing I want to point out is the eye level vs art level. As you improve on your drawing skills, you also train your eye to see "what looks better". How you see things and how your hand draws is linked to improvement but there's going to be an ongoing cycle, the artist block aka artblock. This can mean several things but specifically here what I mean is that when you draw and see improvement, that's great and all but what if you start feeling like you aren't improving anymore? You feel like you're stagnating, and then you lose that motivation you had when you were climbing up that improvement ladder. Well, that's a sign that your eyes have reached a higher level than your art level, or rather what your hand can draw. So now you gotta grind that drawing and practice until you can get to the level of where your eyes are satisfied with your own work. And this cycle continues. I think this goes for all artists, there's no end, we're all just maso lol
"I'm a beginner artist. Do you have any tips?"
DRAW. WHAT. YOU. LIKE. Seriously.
If you're gonna end up hating what you gotta draw, you're gonna want to give up. So draw what you like. On top of that, don't stop and continue practicing. As a beginner there's no point of trying to learn specific or detailed things yet, but polishing up on a general grasp of how to draw something will bring you a long way.
Start with small goals and work your way up. Don't think too much about getting things perfect and definitely don't compare yourself to others, that's just gonna hurt your esteem. But also keep in mind that no one is perfect and we are all working towards improvement no matter what level we may be at.
You might get discouraged, face art block and other things but if art is your passion you will get back on track. Take a break if needed and don't force yourself. Look for inspiration and rather than tracing, copying is actually ok. As long as you don't post it as your own and as long as you credit the original artist if you do post it, it's not bad. I mean, that's one way of how people learn.
Once you are able to start drawing things from your own imagination, free from the need to copy, well congrats, now is where the journey truly begins! From this point you will learn to pick up things and create art that is truly your own, whether it's fan art or random characters you want to make up (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و
What I use:
Program: Clipstudio Paint
Tablet: Wacom Cintiq 22HD | Wacom Mobilestudio Pro 13